
They mostly come out at night, mostly.

This could be called a dark blog. But maybe that's because lately so many of my thoughtful hours have been while the moon slinks across the sky in total disregard for the importance of the sun.

Thoughtful is the right word only in the sense that I am full of thoughts. Many of them being generated by my overactive imagination thinking too many moves ahead and concluding that the best action to take is none.

I also have many silent conversations/arguments/diatribes with myself when I am really tired but not sleeping. I tend to voice the conclusion out loud. Which ordinarily I forget almost immediately.

Sometimes, however, the thought is dark enough, troubling enough, and sometimes even constructive one that it will tint the rest of my day or evening or whatever subsequent time was coming.

More and more I think that maybe in these last minute statements of my subconscious hide some of the keys needed to lock up the bad ideas and get on with my life.

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