
Second time's a charm

I think maybe I am ready to blog again.  It's going to be different this time; a spur-of-the-moment-stream-of-consciousness-random-crap sort of thing.

You'll probably hate it.

Mainly I don't want to forget things I just thought of a few minutes ago.  I seem to do that a lot lately. Maybe the plate in my head is squeezing my brain.

I'm near to figuring out what it is that's been bothering me for, oh, years.  I think.  And I also think that maybe if I write down the clues that not only will I not forget them, but I may even be able to piece the mystery together.  Something like Scooby Doo if the stories were penned by Nietzsche and the masks were real.

I also feel the need to write before I lose the urge to Write.

Apologies to Mr. Hutchence for stealing part of a song line for my blog title.

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