
This is the story so far

So far 2010 is going, dare I say it, pretty well.  The only real pain in the neck is the pain in my head.

The Project 365 photography thing is going ok, although I wish I was home in the daylight to take more interesting photos than of stuff in my house.  It's too much of a hassle to take my camera to work every day, and anyway I haven't been getting out much at lunch because I have so much to do (another thing I hope lasts).

I have a plethora of good books to read and good music to listen to, and good friends to play games with.  And there's other things in my life that are making me pretty happy too.

2009 isn't a very hard hurdle to get over, but I don't mind a bit of a headstart. I am kind of tired of the cold though. Roll on spring.

[listening to: "Undisclosed Desires" - Muse]

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