
It occurs to me that....

...there's a lot of irony when I play games on my television and then go to my computer to watch a TV weather forecast.

I just finished watching "Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars" and I thought it was brilliant.  Having watched this show since I was old enough to know what a TV was it just keeps getting better and better in this new incarnation.

Yet even in this form they tip their hats to the past.  The sound of the "cloister bell" from 1981's Logopolis was immediately recognizable, and signals the coming change of lead actor as the character nears his death.  The fact that 1981 was also the year we moved from England to Denver makes it have even more of an impact.

I was a worried eleven year old because I thought I may never see my favorite show again!  Luckily the technology of Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who all came to the rescue as computers, the internet, streaming media, global communications and instant access to vast amounts of data.  The word "if" was used in "Logopolis" a lot too...I.F. became Information File which was a simulated online instruction manual in the Tardis to help save the day in that story.  Now we don't think twice when we go online to look up how to do something, make something, get something or fix something.

Strong memories indeed.

And yes, I know....I am a geek...I hope that's ok with you.

[Listening to: David Bowie "Life on Mars?" Which was also the title of a paper I wrote in college that I was accused of plagiarizing but easily proved it was my original work. I got an A and the professor congratulated me for my writing.]


  1. First I listened to your enthusiasm about Dr. Who years ago when it came back. Then my sister turned me on to Catherine Tate (search YouTube for "Catherine Tate as Lauren") which really kicked off some previously unknown anglophile enthusiasm. So then I saw a video where David Tennant was a guest on the Catherine Tate Show and that was it . . . I'm hooked. Did you know you can get all the Dr. Who episodes for instant viewing on Netflix??? I started with the two End of Time shows and then jumped into season 2. Having an absolute blast! All thanks to you!

  2. You started with the very last David Tennant story that I haven't even seen yet! It's all going to be backwards to you now.

    It is a great show, but obviously I am biased and predisposed to like it. I'm glad you're enjoying it too.
