
We the Consumers of the United States...

We the Consumers of the United States, in Order to form a less screwed-up Union, re-establish Justice (for most), insure plausible domestic Tranquility without nuking the rest of the planet, provide for the common sense in defence, uplift the people from Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Perceived Freedomto ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish that the Government and The Banks have taken a giant Constitutional on the United States of America.
When are government and The Banks going to realize that without We The Consumers (abbr. WTC....go figure) are the ONLY reason for their existence?  When are asshats like Jim Bunning going to stop thinking with their ego and start thinking for the whole country (I can't expect them to think of the whole world...he couldn't find it on a globe)? When are the Democrats going to stop caving in before the fight starts?  When are the banks going to stop and think where their giant damn bonuses are going to come from if there are no workers left to make money to put in banks?

Let's face it: we have lost manufacturing to China. We are losing product design to China and India.  Japan and Europe make, for the most part (Toyota's current problems stem from trying to outgrow GM too fast, which is ironic because all they really had to do was wait), better cars and manage their companies sensibly. We are going to lose our education (the last bastion of American Ingenuity) to people too selfish to vote for a school bond because "I don't have any kids in the school district", and to college fees that are just slightly shy of banker bonuses.

That will leave us as nothing more than what we really are already: Consumers.  I think it's time the Government and The Banks recognized this.  Why is the Consumer Confidence Index down?  Because WTC don't have any damn money in our pockets to spend!  Why is that?  The Banks have cut off credit for jobs at companies smaller than the likes of IBM, Boeing, and GM...oh wait...scratch that one too.  People have spent their "savings", cut up their maxed-out credit cards, and are now scrounging to buy basic necessities and to decide which pet gets fed this week - and they are the ones that still have jobs.  Ok, yes, there are people who shouldn't be spending $200 a month on cell phones or cable TV instead of food and clothing but WTC have to accept that we're all in this together.  Small to medium companies who aren't cash fat and debt free stand zero chance of making it through this recession without credit, but there's none to be had. 

In fact, I'm betting bankers now get bonuses for weeding out the poor credit risks.  One way or another they will find a way to pat themselves on the back while kissing each other's asses at the same time.  It may as well be Banque du Soleil with that kind of flexbility.  Trickle-down economics is the worlds biggest joke on WTC.  It trickles all the way down to the mid-level bankers and the Washington lobbyists.

Here on Main Street "trickle" is the appropriate adjective for our incomes (I haven't had a raise in two years and made in fact 13% less last year than the year before...at the same job.  And don't get me started on bonuses).  How exactly most people in this country are getting by is no mystery - they aren't.  There are no savings, no luxuries, less travel, "staycations" (I will maim whoever invented that word), and no optimism about the future.

The government and The Fed (the other villain in this recession) are telling us that the recovery is starting....as long as you are a Bank!

It is way past time to do something about it.  I already bank at a local credit union.  Anyone reading this should seriously consider pulling out of their Big Bank and finding a local credit union to join.

I considered starting a website to try and get this in to something larger but I don't have the money.

Yes I am angry.  You should be too - this is YOUR country!

[listening to: "we are all sheep" - by the voice in my head]


  1. Between this post and your FB page, you sure are getting snarky in your old age.

  2. I was snarky at a young age, the word just hadn't been invented yet.
