
Tea is Making Me Nauseous

This country is completely, totally insane.

At this point I am fully expecting President Palin in 2012 just because people apparently have no mind of their own. They bow to whatever the media feels is the money making story, accepting it as the real majority.

It only comes down to one thing:  eyeballs on webpages, newspapers and news channels, and ears on radio stations.  Whatever gets the most will be what gets force-fed to us. 

Sanity has left the building.


[Listening to "Citizen Erased" - Muse]


  1. I don't think you have to worry about Palin in 2012. The media ripped her to shreds last year. If the Republicans nominate her, they are cutting off their own foot.

    BTW don't you know the media has a *LIBERAL* slant?

  2. Speaking of tea . . .

  3. Good article Linda. The problem is that Centrists usually aren't, by definition, extreme enough to be that vocal.
