
All along you must have known

Anything worth having comes with a price to pay.

I decided earlier this year...or maybe it was late last year...that I wasn't going to let life pass me by anymore. I thought to myself, "self, you need to seize opportunities no matter how slim the chance or how difficult the task or how high the cost. If the choice is between trying now or regretting not trying forever, then there is no choice."

So, while not many of these opportunities have presented themselves thus far, I am still living by this credo.  I am hoping that it works in my favor in 2010.

I'm feeling a bit better about things close to me.  The world is still a giant ball of crap, but to be honest I can't really worry about that too.  Until I need to fly somewhere and the TSA snaps on the rubber glove, I need to keep my sphere of concern limited to more immediate and personal matters.

Things that make me happier. Or at least less sad.

I've been smiling a lot more.  This is a Very Good Thing.

[listening to "Good + Bad Times" - INXS]


  1. Thanks Tom,

    Your philosophy is a good one to live by. Are you working on the lines of the "Universe will show me the opportunities" or the "I make my own opportunites" school of thought?

  2. A bit of both Jeff. I definitely am trying to make my own opportunities but sometimes one comes along all on it's own that you never expected but must act on.
