
After the music

After the music, originally uploaded by ThomasWalker.

Other than the basic composition this was just messing around with post-processing. I don't have any fancy photoshop software....yet....so I make do with what I have and what came with my camera.

I think it needs some old posters and graffiti to look like a club post-act but oh well. I wanted to keep it simple.

So much change could happen this year. For once the majority of it could be for the better. Music plays a very important role in my life. It is mood altering, thought inspiring, emotionally charged, and either relaxing or invigorating depending on what you need at the time.

It is, for example, quite hard to work out to Tori Amos. And conversely difficult to relax to Nine Inch Nails. Yet oddly enough the two have collaborated.

Sometimes it's the differences that make things interesting.

[listening to "Sweetest Perfection" - Depeche Mode]

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