
Not really a political post

I just want to comment on the fact that the Dems have apparently had their spines ripped out by losing a single senate seat.

1)  If the loss of that one seat was so important to passing a health care bill, why wasn't the election taken way WAY more seriously?

2) With the loss now a matter of record, it is pathetic that the Dems go scampering away from the health care bill like mice when the light's turned on because of one missing vote.  Way to stick to your guns you pansies!

A person in my position would really have liked to seen a health care bill pass..IF ONLY to prove that change can in fact happen.  Sure it will get changed again next year and probably stoned to death when the equally spineless GOP regains their power, but the fact of getting done was something important that needed to happen.

Now we will just wallow in the stagnation of 40 years of no change and extremely bad practices that are the accepted norm.

I am sick and tired of will-less, spineless whimpering fools running the country.

That is all.

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